© 2021 Gorodeya Sugar Refinery

Dear employees and labor veterans of JSC «Gorodeya Sugar Ref...

13 November 2020

On the Day of Workers of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the agro-industrial complex, please accept the best congratulations on your professional holiday. Thanks to the contribution of each of you to the production cycle for the release and promotion of our products to the markets, we together make people's lives a little sweeter.  The outgoing year has shown that we can successfully cope with the challenges of the time, overcome any difficulties in achieving our goals.

Happy professional holiday, colleagues!  We wish you family happiness, good health and longevity. Let the work always brings pleasure, and the land pleases with a rich harvest. Thank you for your dedication to the small motherland, hard and painstaking work for the benefit of all the people! Let your health not fail, plans are being implemented, and dreams come true! We wish you success and new labor achievements on your chosen path! Thank you for your hard work!