© 2021 Gorodeya Sugar Refinery

World Day of Occupational Safety and Health

15 April 2020

In order to promote labor protection issues, identify and disseminate best practices in the field of labor protection, reduce occupational injuries and occupational morbidity, develop measures to ensure the preservation of the life and health of employees in the course of work, it is recommended to hold the Labor Protection Day in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, on April 28.  The World Day of Occupational Safety and Health is celebrated annually (since 2003). The mottos and slogans of the holiday change every year, they are all related to ensuring and preserving the safety of people at work (creating safe jobs, reducing the number of injuries, improving safety when working with harmful substances, etc.). This year it is held in the context of a full-scale fight against the coronavirus pandemic.  In this regard, work has been established at the «Gorodeya Sugar Refinery» in terms of implementing the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, the regional and republican centers of hygiene, epidemiology and public health. It is explained to the employees of the enterprise that the main preventive measure for respiratory infections – including coronavirus – is careful hand hygiene. They should be washed with soap as often as possible and treated with alcohol-containing antiseptics. For those who are constantly in close contact with people, it is mandatory to wear masks. It is also important for everyone to self-control their own well-being. In order to prevent employees with signs of acute respiratory infection from entering the collective, a special access regime has been introduced at the plant through the central checkpoint, where temperature measurement is organized for persons entering the territory of the plant. In addition, a disinfection regime with the use of antiseptics has been introduced: disinfection is carried out in public areas, wet cleaning with the use of disinfectants not only on the floor, but also on other surfaces. Door handles, turnstiles, and stair railings are processed, handrails, doors are wiped – all surfaces where contact with hands is possible.. The mask mode is also designed to protect employees. Everyone was given recommendations on the use of these personal protective equipment for no more than 2 hours, regardless of whether the masks are reusable or disposable. (If necessary, they should be replaced more often, and hand hygiene should be strictly observed. Soap and antiseptics should be both in production and in public places). Specialists of the personnel department and the Bureau for Labor Protection and industrial safety monitor compliance with the introduced mask and disinfection regimes, the presence and use of antiseptics, social distancing. These are the issues that have been taken under special control today. But it is also very important in any situation – do not panic and just follow all the recommendations of specialists! This is the most important thing.

Work is an integral part of our life and each of us wants it not only to be adequately paid, but also to be as safe and convenient as possible. We congratulate all those responsible for labor protection on their professional holiday. We wish you a quiet working day, without emergencies and force majeure. Well-being in your personal life. Good luck in all your affairs and always a friendly atmosphere in the team.


how to protect yourself and your loved ones?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause the development of diseases in which there is a lesion of the respiratory system, less often — the digestive system. A new coronavirus (COVID-19) was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The spread of coronavirus infection has affected the whole world. Large-scale work is being carried out in Belarus to contain the spread of the disease. In hospitals, successful treatment of identified patients is carried out. The sanitary and epidemiological service identifies contacts of the "first and second level". Doctors provide assistance to those in need.

Ways of spreading the coronavirus

airborne contact (when sneezing and coughing)

(when someone touches any contaminated surface, for example, a door handle, people get infected when they touch their mouth, nose or eyes with contaminated hands)

The time from the penetration of the virus into the body to the appearance of signs of the disease is from 2 to 14 days.

Who is at risk

People of all ages are at risk of contracting the virus (according to data from Wuhan, from 15 to 88 years old). Elderly people (over 60), as well as people with a weakened immune system or chronic diseases are at high risk. They are particularly susceptible to the development of the most severe forms of COVID-19.

What are the symptoms

increase in body temperature;

cough and / or sore throat;

feeling tired;

shortness of breath.

If you have similar symptoms, consider the following: Have you visited high-risk areas (countries where many cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded) in the last two weeks? Have you been in contact with someone who has visited high-risk areas (countries where many cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded) in the last two weeks? If your answer is " yes " – the symptoms should be treated as carefully as possible and call a doctor at home or contact the emergency medical service.

How to protect yourself

Keep your hands and surfaces clean

Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before cooking, eating, after blowing your nose, coughing and sneezing, using the toilet, visiting public places, before, during and after caring for a sick person. If there is no soap or water nearby, use hand sanitizer. Regularly clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces and devices that you and others touch

Keep your distance

Try to avoid crowded places, postpone attending a concert, theater and cinema, do not visit the swimming pool, gym.

Be especially careful when you are in crowded places, airports, public transport. Reduce touching surfaces and objects located in such places to a minimum. Do not touch the face.

Avoid greeting handshakes, hugs and kisses on the cheek. Do not share food, dishes, towels.

Keep at least 1 meter away from people, as far as possible, especially if they have a cough, runny nose and fever.

Do not touch your face, mouth and eyes with your hands

Try not to touch your mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands (we usually unconsciously do this 15 times an hour). After all, you could touch the surface on which the virus was located and bring it into the body.

Follow the rules of hygiene

When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a napkin (always carry them with you) or with the bend of your elbow. Immediately throw the napkin into a garbage container with a lid and treat your hands with an alcohol-containing antiseptic or wash them with soap and water. These measures will limit the spread of the virus and its transmission to other people.

Use a mask

Wear a mask, changing it every 2-3 hours (in case of contamination — more often) in the following cases:

- if you have signs of SARS;

- when caring for and helping a person with a respiratory infection;

- when providing assistance to an elderly person.

What is important to remember with the symptoms of the disease

Stay at home. If you feel worse, call a doctor, inform him about the places of your stay for the last 2 weeks, possible contacts. Strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Minimize contact with healthy people, especially the elderly and people with chronic diseases. It is better to take care of the patient by one person.

Use a disposable napkin or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing, covering your mouth. In their absence, sneeze into the elbow bend.

Use individual personal hygiene items and disposable dishes.

Ensure that the room is cleaned wet with disinfectants and frequently ventilated.