© 2021 Gorodeya Sugar Refinery

For Belarus

05 October 2020

On October 3, a large-scale republican rally "For a United Belarus!". This event is based on the ideas of kindness, patriotism, and love for the Motherland. People who are not indifferent to the fate of their country have gathered here. Those who care about her future. The route of the rally passed through Orsha (Vitebsk region), Borisov, Zhodino, Minsk, Dzerzhinsk, Nesvizh (Minsk region), Baranovichi, Ivatsevichi, Kobrin (Brest region) and ended in Brest. The participants of the run visited the Brest Fortress and laid flowers at the Eternal Flame at the memorial of its defenders.

Representatives of JSC «Gorodeya Sugar Refinery» also took part in this patriotic action. We gathered on a hill in the center of the urban settlement of Gorodeya, where a monument to an Unknown soldier-a soldier who defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland at the cost of his own life — stands over the burial of Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of the village from the Nazi invaders. Here, in a Mass grave, 162 heroes from the 36th Cavalry Regiment of the 10th Guards Kuban Cavalry Division found their last refuge.  From here, a column of motorists of the Nesvizh district under state flags set off for the M1/E30 highway to join the motorists of other settlements of the country. At the entrance to Baranovichi, the participants of the rally were joyfully greeted by hundreds of local residents with Belarusian symbols and a huge banner of the color of the scarlet dawn. Here the residents of the city also met like-minded people from Moscow. Well, the final point of the run was the western gate of Belarus - the Brest Hero Fortress, a place where words about patriotism and loyalty to their Homeland acquire a special meaning…