© 2021 Gorodeya Sugar Refinery

We know! We remember! We are proud!

30 April 2020

Тhe Great Patriotic War ended 75 years ago.  It changed the course of world history, the fate of millions of people and the political map of the world.  In this war, the Soviet people resisted the powerful onslaught of a highly organized and well-armed enemy-Nazi Germany and its allies. But our ancestors survived and won, performing a feat every day: they went to their deaths in combat operations, dug trenches, organized field hospitals, joined the partisans, worked in the rear.

Everyone had their own business, which served to bring the last day of the war, the Day of the Great Victory, closer.  Now this holiday unites all generations.  And it is the sacred duty of our youth to preserve the memory of the feat of their ancestors, who, with their unity and solidarity, hard work, dedication and selfless love for the Motherland, ensured peace, freedom and independence for their descendants.  The victory was paid for at the highest price — the price of the lives of millions of people, and the war left its mark in the history of every family, it is indelible, like the memory of that great war.

We remember the history of our people and we are proud of it!

On a hill in the center of the village of Gorodeya, a monument to the Unknown Soldier, a soldier who defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland at the cost of his own life, stands above the burial of the fallen Soviet soldiers who liberated the village in 1944…

Here, 162 heroes from the 36th Cavalry Regiment of the 10th Guards Kuban Cavalry Division found their last resting place in a Mass Grave (Gorodeya was liberated by the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front during the Minsk operation in early July 1944. The fighting was conducted by the troops of the 65th, 48th, 28th armies, the 4th Guards Cavalry and the 1st mechanized corps of the cavalry-mechanized front group under the command of General Pliev).

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, the employees of JSC «Gorodeya Sugar Refinery» put in order the military-historical monument to the liberators of Gorodey: they painted the tombstones and the monument to the Unknown Soldier, laid flowers at the monument.

Eternal glory to the Heroes who defended the freedom and independence of their Native land!